Tuesday, 10/12/2024 | 2:49 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News
  • Why changing your cushions is an essential health practice

    Blog provided by The Foam Factory Have you been using the same couch cushions for the past decade? Changing or replacing couch foam cushions is as important as buying new clothes and refreshing your wardrobe. Years of use will result in significant wear and tear for any product. Couch cushions were not designed for infinite

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  • Top Signs to Look Out for on a Worn Mattress

    You’re probably aware that you need to replace your mattress every 6 to 8 years. Besides, over time you’ll feel the difference in how much it’s changed over the past years that you’ve used it. You spend a majority of your life in your bed. You see where this is going. So, if you feel

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  • The Downsides to Purchasing Memory Foam Mattresses

    Memory foam mattresses have been the latest craze. Their ability to hug your body and provide excellent levels of comfort have made them a popular option for people that want a good night’s rest. On the other hand, there are some downsides to memory foam mattresses as well. One of the biggest issues that people

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  • Determining When to Replace Your Sofa Cushions

    Written by the Foam Factory Nothing can make your sofa feel more uncomfortable than worn out cushion foam. When the foam starts to wear down, you’re left with a sofa that is lumpy, unattractive and uncomfortable. Many people consider this a sign to throw out their sofa and buy something new. This doesn’t have to

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  • The Benefits of Quality Bedding

    When you’re shopping for bedding these days, there are a lot of differences between brands and styles. It’s not just how the bedding collections look, the materials and thread count are important too. Before you purchase bedding, you should understand what you’re paying for. The assumption that higher costs means highly durable bedding sets that

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  • Alternative flooring against allergies

    Written by: Bamboo-flooring-facts.com As per a survey carried out by the AAAAI, which is the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, more than 50% of Americans are afflicted with a form of allergy and these are triggered by allergens found in their homes. Choosing the right kind of flooring could help eliminate some allergens

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  • Bamboo Flooring: Non Toxic Floor Material Alternative

    Written by Bamboo Flooring Facts One of the special concerns of new homeowners are the materials used for the interiors in their house. Some materials like wood have laminations that emit chemical byproducts in the air, which can cause allergies. These are called VOC or volatile organic compounds. The lower the rating on a material’s

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  • Portable Air Conditioner In The Baby Room

    When you have a newborn in your home, there seems to be no end to the list of things you need to remember. Obviously, you have to keep track of their eating schedule and change them when necessary. You have to keep an ear out for the baby monitor so you can check on them

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  • How to keep your bamboo floor clean

    Written by Bamboo FAQ You would be surprised to know as to how bamboo flooring durability compares to standard wood flooring. You would even be more surprised to know that bamboo flooring is in fact a whole lot stronger than most wood flooring too. But where does this all stack up? Is there something to

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  • Air conditioning in labs and hospitals

    When you are engaged in the medical industry, you will find that doing things al fresco simply does not cut it. Especially when you work in a laboratory or in a section of the hospital that operates and handles sensitive and extremely expensive equipment, you are definitely going to need air conditioning so you can

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