Friday, 14/2/2025 | 4:08 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News
  • Why changing your mattress might be good for your health

    Blog provided by The Foam Factory It’s been said that you should replace your mattress every 7 years or so, but is this just a typical tradition for mattress users or are there any tangible benefits to switching? The main reason why sleep experts recommend getting a mattress replacement is that years of use result

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  • How to Restyle an Old Couch

    Summary: Restoring an old couch is easy as long as there are no issues with the structure of the furniture. All you need to do is clean and give the couch a fresh coat of paint and add new cushions and upholstery. There is no feeling better than taking an old piece of furniture and

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  • Top Signs to Look Out for on a Worn Mattress

    You’re probably aware that you need to replace your mattress every 6 to 8 years. Besides, over time you’ll feel the difference in how much it’s changed over the past years that you’ve used it. You spend a majority of your life in your bed. You see where this is going. So, if you feel

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  • Determining When to Replace Your Sofa Cushions

    Written by the Foam Factory Nothing can make your sofa feel more uncomfortable than worn out cushion foam. When the foam starts to wear down, you’re left with a sofa that is lumpy, unattractive and uncomfortable. Many people consider this a sign to throw out their sofa and buy something new. This doesn’t have to

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  • Improving Your Back Support

    Written by The Foam Factory Back pain is a common syndrome and it is often caused by the lack of a good posture when sitting down for hours on end. However, there are several musculoskeletal issues that can be avoided with the use of appropriate back support and exercises. Exercises are known to improve posture

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  • Benefits of a memory foam mattress

    Written by Foam Factory, Inc. The very first memory foam was used by the NASA in the 1960s in airplane seats. This particular foam is made from viscoelastic. This substance has a high propensity of energy absorption and has a very soft texture. The benefits of using a memory foam mattress are numerous. Molding of

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  • Hypoallergenic and Natural Mattresses

    By Canada Foam by Mail Without a doubt, the most important piece of furniture in your entire home is the bed you spend roughly eight hours a night on. Those who sleep on lackluster mattresses don’t get the full benefits of a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, this can lead to pretty serious health problems later

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  • Why you should be flipping your mattress

    Written by Carlo Badalamenti If you’re wondering why people tell you that you should be flipping your mattress every now and then, it would be great for you to know that this is actually a method that will allow you to maximize the use of your mattress. Whether you have a boat mattress or a

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  • Bad pillows and neck pains

    Written by Carlo Badalamenti Your neck is definitely one of the most tender areas of your body, even when we’re adults, we need to make sure that our necks are in a good and proper position whether standing up, sitting down, or even lying down. If you don’t, you’ll be giving yourself a stiff neck,

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