Saturday, 27/7/2024 | 1:13 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News
  • Heroin brain damage rising

    The number of victims of heroin-induced brain damage, who are sometimes left blind, paralysed or incontinent, has increased dramatically in recent years, figures show. Many are left unable to care for themselves, but they are forgotten statistics, ignored amid the publicity surrounding drug deaths and drug-related crime. Others make significant recoveries and the signs of

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  • Harefield sued over brain damage

    MATTHEW POYNTER was such a lively, happy baby that the management of Harefield hospital in west London chose to feature him in a promotional video to raise funds. Matthew, then just one year old, was filmed to the strains of the pop star Sting singing Every Breath You Take. His parents treasure that video. It

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  • Doctors testify brain damage came from blows

    Article by A DOCTOR from Britain has told the High Court in Dublin that he considered a Co Dublin man, who is claiming he was beaten violently by gardai, had sustained brain damage from “day one” of the injury artd it was irreversible. Dr Michael Abdul, head of the Solihull Pain Relief and Sports

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  • Urgency addiction can put you on road to ruin

    Article written by Rapid Weight Loss guide Those who rely on an adrenaline rush at work are at risk, writes URGENCY addiction is an acquired, unhealthy, physical and psychological dependence on the adrenaline rush and validation experience delivered by handling urgent matters. This definition is a product of research by MBA student Dirk Vermooten at

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  • All About Depression

    Article written by Medicine Line In any given 1-year period, 9.5 percent of the population, or about 18.8 million American adults, suffer from a depressive illness.5 The economic cost for this disorder is high, but the cost in human suffering cannot be estimated. Depressive illnesses often interfere with normal functioning and cause pain and suffering

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