Friday, 19/4/2024 | 6:32 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News
  • Common Ways You Might Be Damaging Your Vision

    It seems more and more people have some sort of tool they use to make it easier to see objects both near and far, be it eyeglasses, contact lenses, or even corrective surgery. Simply using one of these corrective tools is not enough to keep your vision sharp and your eyes healthy. There are some

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  • Best way to do a manicure at home

    There could be nothing more tempting than getting a manicure right at your home after a tiring day, especially when do not have time to make a salon’s appointment. According to Danie’s Beauty Salon, you can easily get a manicure right at home by following these simple steps. The first step is to ensure that

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  • Top Tips for Contact Lens Beginners

    Summary: Are you a new contact user? Here are some tips that’ll help you help you avoid the stress. Are you looking into switching from eyeglasses to contact lenses? The first thing on your agenda should be making an appointment to see your eye doctor for an exam. Here are some tips that you need

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