Saturday, 20/4/2024 | 5:10 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News
  • Daily Tips to Help Your Back Pain

    Is there anything more frustrating to deal with than back pain? It comes and goes seemingly at random; it leaves a dull ache that persists throughout the night. It hurts our sleeping habits and makes us less productive in our jobs. These tips are designed with the chronic back pain sufferer in mind, so try

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  • The Wonders of RNA Synthesis

    Known as RNA, ribonucleic acid is one of the essential molecules to human life. It plays a huge role in the expression of genes, as well as regulating, coding and decoding them. Along with DNA, it makes up the category nucleic acids. DNA, RNA and protein are the three macromolecules that are absolutely necessary for

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  • Vaginal Tightening Surgery after Childbirth

    For many women, childbirth is a wonderful experience. While giving birth to a baby can be one of the most incredible experiences in a woman’s life, it does come with a few unwanted side effects. After giving birth, many women experience a weakening of the muscles in the vagina and pelvic floor. Also called vaginal

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  • Sugar and Carb Addiction

    I had a request to discuss sugar and/or refined carb addiction and how to work through it and kick the stuff for good. I’m going to share my own experience, give some tips on how you can begin to work through this addiction if you think you might have it, and, next week, we’ll talk

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  • Spinal Help In San Diego

    I initially made my way down to San Diego after getting disappointed with life just a few hours north. This city had it all for me. Beautiful weather, genuine folks, access to entertainment and culture, and basically everything I’ve looked for in an urban, environment. It was the light at the end of the tunnel.

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  • How Oligo Synthesis is Changing the World

    Those most may not have heard of it, oligo synthesis is one of the unsung heroes of microbiology. The advances this unknown procedure has produced is overwhelming. The process synthesizes shorter sections of nucleic acid with specific chemical sequences. This is extremely important as it allows scientists to efficiently and affordably create custom oligonucleotides or

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  • The Importance of a Good Chiropractor

    A large percentage of Americans could benefit from visiting chiropractors for physical therapy, but never know it. Despite its popularity, chiropractic physical therapy still seems shrouded in mystery. Many people think that because their chronic pain isn’t coming from their back, going to a spinal specialist like a chiropractor would be a waste of time.

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  • Healthy and Safe Cosmetics

    By Jessica PacificNaturals Cosmetics are used by a large number of people today. They include some hair products, makeup products, cleansers, oils, and lotions – anything that is applied to your body in order to improve its appearance.  The problem you may come across when looking for the best products is how healthy it is for

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  • How to Treat Heavy Periods

    Cyroablation of the endromedtrium helps females with heavy menstruation reduce the intensity of their flow. The treatment is relatively simple, and only lasts about an hour. Women who experience massive amounts of blood loss during menstruation can have the endometrial lining removed in their uterus so blood does not collect at such extreme levels. This

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  • Childbearing Women Can Hold Their Urine and Enjoy Sex

    Vaginoplasty and labiaplasty in Ohio is offered to women all over the Northeast, but  many women resort to Kegel exercises to prevent urinary incontinence. This happens when the pelvic floor muscles are so weak that women urinate whenever they jump, laugh, or sneeze. This commonly happens with both age and childbirth. The stress of a

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